Learn & Take Action While Having Fun! 

Learn the evidence-based behind plant-based nutrition as it relates to a variety of topics from Coach Simran MD.

Get all the nutrients your body needs for optimal health and vitality.

Learn to cook delicious and nutritious plant-powered meals​.

Transform your health and wellbeing with this proven 2-in-1 course framework.

I'm ready to join the waitlist!


Plant Powered 101: The Basics for Success (Launching Soon!)
What you’ll learn: Evidence-based knowledge about the basics of plant-based nutrition 101 and the benefits a plant-based eating pattern has on health & wellbeing.

Take Action: Learn to make simple and delicious plant-based meals & build a plant focused kitchen using education lessons, food guides, cooking videos, a digital meal planning experience & tons of resources.
Join Waitlist to be the first to know about the upcoming FREE masterclass and in the meantime, enjoy a FREE 3 day plant powered meal planning experience eBook!
Plant Powered for Optimal Immunity & Cancer Risk Reduction
What you’ll learn: Evidence-based knowledge about immune system basics, the impact of nutrition on your immune system, immune supportive & boosting strategies, and how to reduce your risk of cancer & impaired immunity using whole plant foods!

Take Action: Learn to make simple immune boosting meals using education lessons, food guides, cooking videos, a digital meal planning experience & tons of resources.
Fight Inflammation: The Power of Whole Plant Foods
What you’ll learn: Evidence-based knowledge about what inflammation is, anti-inflammatory compounds found in foods, the power of an anti-inflammatory plant rich eating pattern and its impact on risk of chronic illness

Take Action: Learn to make simple plant powered anti-inflammatory meals using education lessons, food guides, cooking videos, a digital meal planning experience & tons of resources.

Why Choose Me To be Your Guide on This Journey 

Since finding out about my BRCA 1 genetic mutation several years ago, I have embraced the power of whole food plant-based nutrition & lifestyle as tools to reduce my radically high risk of cancer while witnessing the incredible ripple effect it has had on the health & wellbeing of my husband, family & friends.

As part of my mission to learn about the power of plants & show people how to prepare them in the kitchen, I completed the T.Colin Campbell Plant based nutrition certificate and CHEF culinary coaching certification from the Institute of Lifestyle medicine.

I'm a working mother of two young children and completely understand the struggle that comes with trying to feed a growing family healthy food without the constant stress, anxiety & overwhelm.

Through my clinical experience, I have cared for hundreds of people at the end of life, and many of them shared with me how they wished they were more proactive in caring for their health and wellness before they got so sick.

I know change is HARD, particularly when it comes to adopting new lifestyle habits & eating patterns. Trust me, I've been there!

I’m ready!
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