“Knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. Action is POWER.”
- Tony Robbins 

What does the evidence say?

Curated Lifestyle Medicine Content, Ready to Access!

Healthful eating of whole, plant-based food

Food is Medicine. Choose predominantly whole, plant-based foods that are rich in fiber and nutrient dense.

Develop strategies to manage stress

Stress can lead to improved health and productivity–or it can lead to anxiety, depression, obesity,....

Exercise regular and consistent physical activity

Regular and consistent physical activity that can be maintained on a daily basis throughout life–walking,...

Avoid risky substances

The well-documented dangers of any addictive substance use can increase risk for many cancers and heart disease. Positive behaviors that improve health...

Improve your sleep

Lack of, or poor-quality sleep can lead to a strained immune system. Identify dietary, environmental and coping behaviors to improve sleep health.

Form & maintain relationships

Social connectedness is essential to emotional resiliency. Studies show that isolation is associated with increased mortality.



Read through our collection of books we recommend to get started on your journey towards better health. 


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Lifestyle Medicine At Your Fingertips

Expert content from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Click images to download.

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